Edgar Cayce was the most documented Clairvoyant of the 20th century. He was born in 1877 in Kentucky. He provided readings on a variety of subjects such as health and healing, diet and nutrition, reincarnation, spiritual growth, ancient mysteries, meditation, christ consciousness, future events and more. There is a collection of over 14,000 readings on these subjects that can be found or accessed via the A.R.E.
As a child, Cayce saw elementals and would play with them. He also read the Bible each year of his life and was a Sunday school teacher.
Cayce exhibited psychic abilities from a young age where he could talk to his late grandfather and was also able to diagnose in his sleep. In his adult years, he found that he could put himself into a sleep-like state and was able to tap into the akashic records, a field of all time and space. This is where he was given the name the sleeping prophet. In this trance state, he would be asked questions such as how would an individual heal their ailment or how were the pyramids made. Cayce's responses to these questions can be found in his readings. Many people have found spiritual growth and help with ailments and more through these readings.
These readings can be accessed if you are a member of the Association of Research and Englightenment (A.R.E). His readings have been studied by many and have been translated into many great books.
Further information can be found by going to the A.R.E website by clicking the button below
Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.®), is the worldwide nonprofit organization founded in 1931 by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), to research and explore transpersonal subjects such as holistic health, ancient mysteries, personal spirituality, dreams and dream interpretation, intuition, philosophy, and reincarnation. With an international headquarters in Virginia Beach, Va., a regional headquarters in Houston, regional representatives throughout the U.S., Edgar Cayce Centers in 37 countries, and individual members in more than 70 countries, the A.R.E. community is a global connection of individuals who offer conferences, educational activities, and an impressive volunteer network with contacts across the globe.
A.R.E. also maintains an affiliation with Atlantic University, which offers continuing education classes and a master's degree program in transpersonal studies; the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy, which provides full- and part-time classes in massage therapy based on the Harold J. Reilly method developed in partnership with the Cayce readings; a full-time onsite Health Center & Spa, where many of the health remedies from the readings are offered along with massage therapy; and a publishing arm — A.R.E. Press and its imprint 4th Dimension Press — which publishes books, CDs, and DVDs that explore the topics found in the Cayce readings as well as the body-mind-spirit subjects of today.