Neale Donald Walsch
Neale's Talk Description:
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern
The GOD SOLUTION: A Daring Response to World Problems
Many people believe that Edgar Cayce received revelations from a source outside of himself. Many people believe this today about Neale Donald Walsch. In his virtual visit with us on Feb. 24, the author of Conversations with God will share what he has been told is the biggest problem in the world today...and how it can be solved using an audacious approach: changing humanity's definition of God. A free-flowing question-and-answer session will follow this provocative presentation.
John Van Auken
John's Talk Descriptions:
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
9:45 am – 10:45 am and 11:00 am – 12:00 Noon Eastern
Resolving Karma and Living in Grace by Applying the Fruits of the Spirit
Sunday, February 25th, 2024
9:30 am – 11:30 am Eastern
Raising the Life Forces in our Body Temples and Expanding our Minds
John will present visually exciting presentations on - Applying the Fruits of the Spirit, Resolving Karma and Living in Grace, Raising the Life Forces within Our Body Temples and Expanding Our Mental Awareness, Blessings of the Collective Oneness, and Helping Others along the Way.
Judith Corvin Blackburn
Judith's Talk Description:
Friday, February 23rd, 2024
7:20 pm - 9:00 pm Eastern
The Journey to 5th and 6th Dimensional Consciousness: Our Evolutionary Call to Transforming Ourselves and Our Planet.
In this talk we will explore our multidimensional nature including how we are genetically pre-disposed to live from a higher frequency of love, unity consciousness, unbridled creativity, and the ability to co-create our manifested world. We will look at how we are expanding our bandwidth of perception and opening dormant strands of our DNA. This is the current evolutionary process embedded in our spiritual journey. As we reclaim who we are designed to be, we transform our planet into a loving, just, and peaceful world where all can thrive and where we live from the guidance of our Spirit and our heart’s wisdom. Guided meditations will be interspersed to allow participants to feel into this.
Rho's sessions:
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Eastern
Guided Meditation
Saturday, February 24th, 2024 Eastern
Channel Session
Rho will provide a channeled message for the group based on our weekend theme.
Below are the descriptions for this year's retreat workshops:-
By Lynn Baribault
The spirit world is but a connection away and they are so eager to chat, support you and, believe it or not, do have a playful side. In this workshop we will explore ways to connect with Spirit, and how to further develop your skills. We will also discuss how to start using and reading oracle cards as a guiding tool in everyday life. Bring an oracle or tarot deck. If you don’t have a deck, that’s okay, Lynn will use hers to illustrate how to connect to cards. Bring an openness to learn and play with spirit!
Lynn Baribault is an Intuitive Channeler, International Best-Selling author, whose connection to spirit has developed over many years. She is certified in many healing modalities, teaches intuition classes and offers channeling mentorships. Lynn can be reached at, linkedin, linktree, FB.
By Dr. Marina Quattrocchi
Introversion and Extraversion have nothing to do with shyness, instead, they are all about how we receive energy from the environment. Participants will complete a questionnaire to determine where they are on the Introversion/Extraversion scale, then we’ll learn the theory behind personality type, how to maximize your gifts, avoid stressors, and understand which spiritual practices you will benefit from the most. Participants should have a pencil or pen to complete a questionnaire.
Dr. Marina Quattrocchi is a former elementary and secondary school teacher who completed her doctoral work on the significance of understanding our dreams. She is the author of two books Dreamwork Uncovered and The Genius of Spirit, has been an administrator for the Myers-Briggs Personality Theory for over twenty years, and loves teaching yoga and qigong.
by Wayne Honsberger
Over 230 Cayce readings mention the Law of One & all relate to the ancient civilization of Atlantis. In 1980 a new source of information became available which expands greatly on the information provided by Cayce and is totally compatible with it. It seems that Cayce’s revelations were mere preamble to what is now given. Participants should be familiar with Cayce material & consider bringing a notebook for recording references and website links that will be provided.
Wayne Honsberger has studied Cayce material for over 50 years accumulating a library of Cayce & other related work. Also, Wayne has maintained dream journals for 50 years as well.
by Karen Stemmler
There are 78 readings where Edgar Cayce referred to ‘silence’.
In this session we will look at some of these readings along with practical applications with awareness games. We will explore our own direct experience with the ground of our being, our silence, where we easily regard the awesomeness of our unshakable clarity.
“The entity, in the present, is capable of entering into the silence” Reading 275
Karen is a retired primary school teacher. As a life long student of metaphysics, sound, healing methodologies and nature studies she has consistently been attracted to the Edgar Cayce readings and the wisdom and inspiration held within. Karen enjoys travel, nature, family, friends, energy retreats and teaching and sharing where Love’s presence is vitally alive.
by Rosaline Macdougall
In this workshop we'll discuss Self-Hypnosis techniques, setting intention, grounding and living our best lives. We’ll also do some exercises that help break negative patterns and habits.
Edgar Cayce gave over 14,000 documented readings. As Cayce's source said: “All can do this, more or less.” So how can we do more? We'll review how to access our levels of mind and be "more like Cayce" and use these skills for good. We will discuss how we can use hypnosis and the power of the mind to improve our lives from a Cayce perspective. As Cayce said: "Mind is the builder capable of taking us anywhere we want to go." There will be a group hypnosis focusing on bringing to our lives peace, health, love and calm. Discussion and questions will follow.
Rosaline Macdougall has a B.A. (U of T), a Life Coach Certificate (A.R.E. '16), has participated in the Hypnotherapy Week Intensive (A.R.E. '14) and studied Past Life Regression Therapy (Georgina Cannon '14). After working in Social Services for 25 years, Rosaline is currently a front-line Social Services Case Manager with the homeless in Toronto. Her use of Cayce Philosophies such as Fellowship, Co-operation, Faith, and Oneness has helped in providing sensitive client service. Rosaline has Self Practiced Hypnosis for 30 years and since 2014 has been working with individuals and groups. In May 2019, she completed Past Life Regression Therapy Training with Brian Weiss in Rhinebeck New York. In June 2019, she studied Hypnosis Training with Mike Mandel in Toronto. In September 2019, she did NLP Training with Yvonne Oswald, which was completed at the A.R.E. In 2021, she studied Meditation Training with John Van Auken.
by Reverend Sheila Black
Join Rev Sheila Black as she teaches you how to work with a pendulum. Pendulums have been used for centuries as a divination tool. Pendulums were used originally to find water and can still be used for that purpose. They can also be very useful for helping diagnose health issues, find lost items, finding and clearing energy, getting answers by yes/no or spelling answers, working with your angels and guides and limitless other opportunities. “Dowsing is simply the ability to connect to one’s higher state of guidance… ask questions and get answers."
This workshop is highly interactive.
Rev Sheila is an ordained Spiritualist Minister with both the Spiritualist Church of Canada and LilyDale NY. Sheila has been working in her own spiritual practice for the last ten years. Rev Sheila is located in Roslin (near Belleville) where she works as an evidential medium, healer and facilitates Spiritual development workshops. Rev Sheila has been following Edgar Cayce for over 30 years and has attended retreats for 13 years in Ontario and this will be her sixth year facilitating a workshop with Cayce Canada.
NOTE: For Sheila Black's workshop, you will need to bring your own pendulum or you can make your own with a piece of string and a washer. Also, please print the 2 page document below (pendulum chart and daily dowsing guide) and bring it to the workshop. They are both in the downloadable section below.