FEBRUARY 21st - 23rd, 2025 EST
Payment Methods
1. Payment method by credit card via Paypal by clicking the register now button below.
2. For payment via interact e-Transfer, please send your interact e-transfer to ecspiritualretreat@gmail.com. It is imperative that you enter your full name and email address in the message line. We will confirm receipt of the payment via email to the email in the message line. If you do not input your name and email address in the message line, we will not know you sent the funds and therefore you will not be registered so this step is very important. If you do not receive an email confirmation that we have received the funds within 3 days. Please email us at ecspiritualretreat@gmail.com.
3. Payment method by cheque (cheques must be received and cleared before the event - please email Teresa Wasowicz at ecspiritualretreat@gmail.com
4. To register by phone:
Call Teresa at +1 416 262-6916 and leave a voice message
Retreat cost: $60 Canadian